Group meal restaurant Métabief

Repas de groupe restaurant Métabief

Ideally located near Métabief, in Rochejean (25 Doubs, Franche-Comté), the restaurant Les Gentianes also offers group meals.

Les Gentianes restaurant, which can accommodate up to 80 people in the same room (and up to 130 people in several rooms), is the ideal place to celebrate all kind of events. Birthday, baptism, communion, party, seminar, associative meal, meal between bikers ... whether you are an individual, a professional, an association or a works council, do not wait any longer to book !

By reservation, your guests can meet in a friendly atmosphere in a warm space at the foot of the mountains.

The restaurant Les Gentianes offers extras according to your desires and your budget.

For information or booking,
contact the Hotel Les Gentianes
by phone on 03 81 49 90 54 or by mail

Our contact details

12 rue Saint-Jean - 25370 - ROCHEJEAN - Phone : 03 81 49 90 54